Since the last book of the Bible was written 2,000 years have passed. Have you ever wondered about how many preachers and teachers there are in this world teaching and preaching sermons and lessons? Think about all the people writing Christian books and blogs, too. All of this has gone on for over 2, 000 years... and it is still exciting and amazing! There are still things to learn and glean from the Bible.
How can this be??? There are only 66 books. Only 773,692 words.
Now, you would think after 2,000 years there would be nothing more to be said.
But... every day someone finds something new! And every time someone finds something new, it points to the same person, Jesus Christ! John 21:25 says, "And there are also many other things which Jesus did, the which, if they should be written every one, I suppose that even the world itself could not contain the books that should be written."
So, even after all those sermons, all those lessons, all those books... when we finally meet Him face to face we will get to find out all those "other things" that He did! I guess that is why heaven is eternal... in 2,000 years we haven't covered everything we have been told... imagine what there is STILL to learn! I am sure we will all be like the Queen of Sheba when she met with Solomon and say like she did,
"Then she said to the king: “It was a true report which I heard in my own land about your words and your wisdom. However, I did not believe the words until I came and saw with my own eyes; and indeed the half was not told me. Your wisdom and prosperity exceed the fame of which I heard. Happy are your men and happy are these your servants, who stand continually before you and hear your wisdom! Blessed be the LORD your God, who delighted in you, setting you on the throne of Israel! Because the LORD has loved Israel forever, therefore He made you king, to do justice and righteousness.” 1 Kings 10:6-9
Praying today for:
The nation of Mexico
The state of Texas
Remember, Nana lovs you!
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